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华硕确定推出ASUS R50A UMPC
作者:本站综合    来源:www.pchwz.com    更新时间:2009年02月05日

靓照现身:华硕确定推出ASUS R50A UMPC

今天PC捍卫者UMPC栏目为你带来的是华硕官方的消息,现官方已经确定了R50A UMPC(即之前所说的R3)的推出,并称该UMPC"重新定义了便携机型的概念",我们来看这款UMPC的具体参数:4.8" 1024x600显示屏,内建GPS、摄像头与麦克风,支持3G/3.5G网络,内建电视接收器。尽管华硕强调该机与标准笔记本"功能不相上下",但该 UMPC有个致命的缺陷--缺少QWERTY标准键盘。请各位继续关注其价格及详细参数的进一步报道。配置的相关信息并不详细。


ASUS R50A UMPC整体外观图片

The R50A is the first UMPC that reaches the full potential of the platform. Only with the R50A do users get GPS, a webcam, 3G/ 3.5G connectivity, and full notebook functionality, making the R50A the one indispensable gadget for everyone.



Intuitive Navigation
The R50A’s customizable, mission-based application launcher organizes software programs into categories and makes navigating between tasks simple.

Enjoy Anywhere
The unit’s built-in TV tuner allows you to enjoy your favorite TV shows anywhere.

Connesct Anywhere
The R50A will offer 3/ 3.5G connectivity. Users have full access to their data anywhere.

Find Your Way Anywhere
ASUS brings you the first UMPC with built-in GPS. Users no longer need to deal with paper maps or ask for directions. Link up seamlessly to Google Maps, and the R50A will know your exact location. 

Capture and Communicate AnywhereThe R50A’s built-in webcam and microphone let users capture photos, video and audio wherever they are, and enable wire-free video communication.
Create Anywhere
The R50A has ample power to support the most popular office and productivity applications. With ASUS InfoPen software, users can record and edit on the R50A’s 1024 x 600 screen as easily as they could on a piece of paper.

转截请注明:文章来自 pc捍卫者 http://www.pchwz.com 本站发布此文为传递更多信息之目的,不表明pc捍卫者赞同其观点

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